Friday, December 10, 2010

The Simple Tricks are the Best

In working with Jethro (the 75 pound AmStaff) we have decided one of the things we do NOT want to teach him to to jump up, like Hondo (the 20 pound Shiba Inu) does. Cute when Hondo does it, potentially scary when Jethro does it. So I started on 'shake.' A good, simple trick that will serve him well in his future Therapy Dog days.

Jethro has a high food drive, so getting his attention is generally an easy thing regardless of what kind of treat you have. I began by getting his attention, then having him sit. I would then say 'Shake" clearly, then pick up his paw the way I wanted him to and shook it, then praised him vigorously and gave him a treat. I would then repeat this, but generally only once.

One of the mistakes I believe some people make is over working the dog, meaning they have the dog repeat something so many times that they actually turn the dog OFF and hurt their progress in the long run. The dog begins to actively NOT pay attention and wants nothing more than to get out of there.

I did this with Jethro once or twice a day, repeating the process as described above. By the second time on the second day, I could see he was starting to get it, and by the morning of the third day he would present his paw almost before being asked. Actually, he began walking up to me while watching TV, sitting down and presenting his paw to shake, in hopes of a treat. If was comical, but since he was not asked, I thought it best not to reward the behavior in any way. He tried it a few more times, but has not given up and knows only when asked does that trick work.

Simple, easy goals with a couple repetitions multiple times a day is still the most successful training method I have yet found, and requires less time on your part. Kinda what my boss calls a "win win."

TRAINING TIP: Spend a little time investigating and experimenting to find the treat that really gets your dogs attention. Once you have that, the battle is nearly won! Remember to go find more articles and information at!


  1. LOL! Funny... I have a similar story about Dog Training: Using your Treat / Reward theory, I taught my 22lb Beagle mix to fetch a tennis ball, bring it back, Sit and then Drop the ball! Each time he dropped the ball at my feet, I would give him a treat or a bunch of loving and praise.

    Sure enough, the next day at the dog park, there is my dog, picking up tennis balls, running up to complete strangers, sitting and dropping the ball at their feet! I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes.

    It only took a few times for him to learn the reward (food or lovin') only happens when he is ASKED to the trick.

    I've spoken with you a couple of times at the Dog Beach in Long Beach and found your blog by accident - and you are right what you say about Ceasar Millan's Dog Whisperer TV show - His training theories REALLY DO work... us dumb humans just have to stop making excuses for their dogs (oh, never mind spot, he does that to everyone...) and start training them a little bit EVERY DAY!

    Thanks for the great blog on Dog Training!

    And don't forget - Pick up your dog's poop!

  2. Morgan,

    Great story! Thank you for sharing. We appreciate other dog owners sharing their similar experiences.

    I remember meeting you, and your wonderful beagle-mix "Bob, the Wonder Dog" (really, it is his official name and is on his tags and everything!) We hope to see you at the Long Beach Dog Beach again soon!


Tell us what you think. Tell us about your experiences? We want to hear from you!