Friday, December 17, 2010

Give the Gift of Life

This is the Holiday Season. This is the time of year when we as compassionate and caring humans are supposed to think about the needs of others more than our own needs. The time of year when we are supposed to care more about the less fortunate and then ourselves. Well, it is now the time of year for us to stop thinking about being a good person and start being one.

There are thousands of dogs and cats in local shelters near you that need desperately need your donation TODAY in order to, quite literally, survive the Holiday season. They need you to NOT spend $20 on Starbucks for you and the kids, but instead take that money and make a donation to their shelter. Their lives depend upon you perhaps spending a little less on dinner at that lovely restaurant that you like so much, and instead putting that money into the gift of life for animals that only want to find a forever home with someone that will love them like they desperately deserve.

Please, take 5 minutes right now, and make a donation to the SPCLA shelter, or any rescue organization of your choice. If you do not know where to give your money, see our web page for a list of rescue organizations that would LOVE your help and support, both financially AND in the gift of your time! These animals have done nothing wrong. They have not asked to be put in animal jail with only the HOPE that someone will come and love them. They are asking for your help, and they deserve it.

Now. 5 minutes, and animals will live. Please help

1 comment:

  1. If you don't have any extra money...I know that the local shelters would like donations of things like towels, to help them clean up after the animals, or line the cages so they have a more comfortable place to sleep, or give to you as you take your animal home, etc.


Tell us what you think. Tell us about your experiences? We want to hear from you!