Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Vick Dog Blog

As the responsible owner of a Pit Bull I have been following the updates on the Michael Vick dogs with great joy and appreciation to those that did so much to save the innocent victims, or Vick-tims as they should be called. If you have read the book The Lost Dogs: Michael Vick's Dogs and Their Tale of Rescue and Redemption then you know what exactly happened to many of his other dogs, and the horrible pain, suffering, and torture that was inflicted upon them.

If you have not followed this or followed it closely you may not know that a group of people fought, very hard, to be able to rescue and rehabilitate almost all of the dogs that were removed from Vick's property at the time of his arrest. Most of them are now wonderfully 'normal' dogs that are working Therapy Dogs that bring joy to others.

I do not want to use this post to again rail about Mr. Vick and the fact he should still be in jail, but instead I want to share with you the Vick Dog Blog. A wonderful place with wonderful stories and images of the Vick survivors and what they are doing now. Please, take a couple minutes and visit their blog, read a little and (hopefully) make a comment or two to show your support. Their blog really helps put a 'face' to the victims and survivors of something that is still happening every day all across America. Hopefully we can begin to stamp out dog fighting in this country. A lofty goal for sure, but one that is very close to my heart.

Another great place to visit FREQUENTLY is These are people that are on the front lines of the Vick specific dogs, as well as Bully Breed Rescue. They are wonderful people and deserve your support and donations!

For more information on Pit Bulls or BSL you can read more at!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the heads up on these two organizations! I've had people say in conversations that they don't see what the "big thing" is about Michael Vick when there are so many other horrible things happening out there...

    What I tell them is that even if you don't care about animal abuse or what Michael Vick did, it IS important to remember that this is a SYMPTOM of a larger danger in our society... How we "...treat the least of us..." is the yardstick that can be use to measure the health of our society.


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