Monday, March 28, 2011

Doggie Dentures?

If you have not seen this commercial yet, get ready. I nearly spit up my drink when it came on. It is a commercial for a dog chew that promotes good oral hygiene called Dentastix. When I finished laughing I started to think: What do I do to take care of my dogs teeth?

We take good care of our dogs and their shots and other items, but other than feeding them dry food I cannot think of anything we actively do to take care of our dog’s teeth. I asked many other dog owners what they were doing about it, and most looked and me and blinked. This response can ONLY lead me to believe they a) did not speak English, or b) did not understand that it was an issue they should be doing something about.

So it was time to start asking the experts (meaning Bekki’s dad!) who ‘learned me up on it. This is a very important health related issue for dogs. They are living longer and as such their oral care can become a much bigger issue. He told me all about their morning ritual their vet got them started on about 6 years ago and they have been doing it every morning since. The dogs line up in the bathroom with the humans to have their teeth brushed. The dogs love it. Why? Chicken flavored toothpaste. Each dog has their own toothbrush too. Each dog also gets a yearly cleaning. So far zero cavities for his dogs! Better than my kids.

Another great thing you can do, and frankly the easiest thing you can do,  is provide specific dog chews and treats designed to help clean the teeth while they chew. The idea is that because of their shape and or what is in them they will help scrape the ‘bad stuff’ (I am so technical sometimes) off their teeth while they chew. The dog gets a treat, you get to ‘kinda’ clean their teeth while reading your email; a win-win!

The following is a list of some of the brands available, you will need to see which your dog will like (Hondo HATES the greenies!):

  • Bright Bites and Checkup Chews for Dogs - all sizes
  • Canine Greenies® - all sizes
  • Canine Greenies® Lite - all sizes
  • Canine Greenies® Senior - all sizes
  • Del Monte Tartar Check® Dog Biscuit: Small & Large sizes
  • Friskies Cheweez Beefhide Treats for Dogs
  • Eukanuba Adult Maintenance Diet for Dogs
  • Hartz Flavor Infused Oral Chews - Large Dogs and Small Dogs Sizes
  • Healthymouth antiplaque water additive
  • (Hill's) Prescription Diet Canine t/d: Original & Small Bites
  • Iams Chunk Dental Defense Diet for Dogs
  • Purina Veterinary Diets DH Dental Health brand Canine Formula
  • Purina Veterinary Diets Dental Chews brand Canine Treats
  • Science Diet Oral Care Diet for Dogs
  • Tartar Shield Soft Rawhide Chews for Dogs
  • Vetradent Dog Chews marketed as 'Bluechews' and 'dc Dental Chews'

For additional information here is a great article on Doggie Dental Care and what should be included in your program. It is a great start for any questions you might have.

Whatever it is you are currently doing you can, like us, do more. Please take a few minutes a day to help prevent COSTLY health issues for your dog.